Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Week 13: Reading Notes Part B: Seven Secrets of Shiva

 Part B of this reading continued is pretty interesting. I chose to prioritize my notes on the character Kali. She is shown as a bold and strong character, she was even portrayed standing on top of men. Kali is known to switch forms and shape, one of which is a snake. Although Kali looks to be dangerous and scary, the introduction of Shiva made all that look harmless. Shiva was able to have an emotional and physical connection with Kali. The true lesson to be learned in this story is to not judge a book by its cover. The bond between Kali and Shiva was somewhat unbreakable. Kira was looked as a hero at some instances. Kali has a way of winning over people and making them second guess. There was a mentioning in the story where Krishna had a encounter with Kali. Krishna was amused by this strange character, yet not threatened or intimidated. There are many versions of people in Hindu stories, which applies to Kali. Although the bond between Kali and Shiva was unbreakable, there is still a strong standpoint and meaning in the picture below, where Kali is standing on Lord Shiva. Overall I really enjoyed the story and the meaning behind it. 

Bibliography: Pattanaik. Seven Secrets of Shiva. Source

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